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Joseph Schumpeter insisted that innovation is the very essence of economics and most certainly of a modern economy. The theory of economic development shows that no one except the innovator makes a genuine “profit”; and the innovator’s profit is always quite short-lived.

Action point: Insure that you are investing enough in innovation to prepare for the day when your profitable business becomes obsolete.——Peter • Drucker

假如一个知识型员工有3到4年没有回学校继续深造的话,他就会被时代淘汰。假如我们所说的工作周期是50年的话--这会越来越常见--我们就必须自我改造。我们必须不断改进,而不仅仅只是寻找一种新动力。行动指南:问问前辈是如何"重新改造自己"的。 你现在打算采取什么行动?——彼得•德鲁克

A knowledge worker becomes obsolescent if he or she does not go back to school every three or four years. If you talk of fifty years of working life—and this, I think, is going to be increasingly the norm—you have to reinvent yourself. You have to make something different out of yourself, rather than just find a new supply of energy.Action point: Ask those ahead of you in age how they went about “repotting themselves.”What steps should you take now?——Peter • Drucker

老福特的失败是因为他坚信一个企业不需要经理人, 也不需要管理阶层。他认为一个企业所需要的,只是一位"业主企业家",加上几位"帮手"就足够了。行动指南:你是一个视所有雇员为"帮手"的企业老板吗?你是一个被老板视为"帮手"的雇员吗?列举出三种方法,鼓励组织内的员工承担更多的责任,从而使组织取得更可观的收益。——彼得•德鲁克

The first Ford failed because of his firm conviction that a business did not need managers and management. All it needed, he believed, was the owner-entrepreneur with his “helpers.” action point: Are you an owner-executive who treats all your employees as your helpers? Are you an employee who is treated as a helper? List three ways your organization could be more profitable if employees were encouraged to assume responsibility.——Peter • Drucker

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Joseph Schumpeter insisted that innovation is the very essence of economics and most certainly of a modern economy. The theory of economic development shows that no one except the innovator makes a genuine “profit”; and the innovator’s profit is always quite short-lived.

Action point: Insure that you are investing enough in innovation to prepare for the day when your profitable business becomes obsolete.——Peter • Drucker

假如一个知识型员工有3到4年没有回学校继续深造的话,他就会被时代淘汰。假如我们所说的工作周期是50年的话--这会越来越常见--我们就必须自我改造。我们必须不断改进,而不仅仅只是寻找一种新动力。行动指南:问问前辈是如何"重新改造自己"的。 你现在打算采取什么行动?——彼得•德鲁克

A knowledge worker becomes obsolescent if he or she does not go back to school every three or four years. If you talk of fifty years of working life—and this, I think, is going to be increasingly the norm—you have to reinvent yourself. You have to make something different out of yourself, rather than just find a new supply of energy.Action point: Ask those ahead of you in age how they went about “repotting themselves.”What steps should you take now?——Peter • Drucker

老福特的失败是因为他坚信一个企业不需要经理人, 也不需要管理阶层。他认为一个企业所需要的,只是一位"业主企业家",加上几位"帮手"就足够了。行动指南:你是一个视所有雇员为"帮手"的企业老板吗?你是一个被老板视为"帮手"的雇员吗?列举出三种方法,鼓励组织内的员工承担更多的责任,从而使组织取得更可观的收益。——彼得•德鲁克

The first Ford failed because of his firm conviction that a business did not need managers and management. All it needed, he believed, was the owner-entrepreneur with his “helpers.” action point: Are you an owner-executive who treats all your employees as your helpers? Are you an employee who is treated as a helper? List three ways your organization could be more profitable if employees were encouraged to assume responsibility.——Peter • Drucker





