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我们无法管理变化, 我们只能走在变化之前。在我们所处的这样一个动荡的年代,变化才是常态。创造未来的风险极高,但是不去创造未来的风险更高。尝试去创造未来吧!固然大部分尝试不会成功,但可以预见的是,不去尝试注定失败。行动指南:占据未来先机,做变革的领导者。——彼得•德鲁克

One cannot manage change. One can only be ahead of it.

In a period of upheavals, such as the one we are living in, change is the norm. To make the future is highly risky. It is less risky, however, than not to try to make it. A goodly proportion of those attempting to will surely not succeed. But predictably, no one else will. action point: Anticipate the future and be a change leader.——Peter • Drucker

对于如何衡量创新及其"品质",关键不在于"我们喜不喜欢", 而在于“顾客是否需要并且乐意花钱购买”。行动指南:界定你所在组织作出的创新,辨别它是一种盲目求新还是一种创造价值的创新。你是否曾因为厌倦了做重复的事情而盲目求新呢?如果答案是肯定的,那么你一定要确保:今后生产的新产品或服务能够符合顾客的需求。——彼得•德鲁克

The test of an innovation, as well as the test of “quality,” is not “Do we like it?” It is “Do customers want it and will they pay for it?” action point: Identify innovations in your organization that are novelties versus those that are creating value. Did you launch the novelties because you were bored with doing the same thing? If so, make sure your next new product or service meets your customers’ needs.——Peter • Drucker


Many changes that have transformed enterprises have originated outside the specific industry of that enterprise. The zipper was originally invented to close bales of heavy goods, such as grain, particularly in seaports. Nobody thought of using it for clothing. And the inventor never dreamed it would be successful in the clothing industry. action point: Identify at least one change that has originated outside your industry that either has transformed or has the potential to transform your enterprise.——Peter • Drucker

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我们无法管理变化, 我们只能走在变化之前。在我们所处的这样一个动荡的年代,变化才是常态。创造未来的风险极高,但是不去创造未来的风险更高。尝试去创造未来吧!固然大部分尝试不会成功,但可以预见的是,不去尝试注定失败。行动指南:占据未来先机,做变革的领导者。——彼得•德鲁克

One cannot manage change. One can only be ahead of it.

In a period of upheavals, such as the one we are living in, change is the norm. To make the future is highly risky. It is less risky, however, than not to try to make it. A goodly proportion of those attempting to will surely not succeed. But predictably, no one else will. action point: Anticipate the future and be a change leader.——Peter • Drucker

对于如何衡量创新及其"品质",关键不在于"我们喜不喜欢", 而在于“顾客是否需要并且乐意花钱购买”。行动指南:界定你所在组织作出的创新,辨别它是一种盲目求新还是一种创造价值的创新。你是否曾因为厌倦了做重复的事情而盲目求新呢?如果答案是肯定的,那么你一定要确保:今后生产的新产品或服务能够符合顾客的需求。——彼得•德鲁克

The test of an innovation, as well as the test of “quality,” is not “Do we like it?” It is “Do customers want it and will they pay for it?” action point: Identify innovations in your organization that are novelties versus those that are creating value. Did you launch the novelties because you were bored with doing the same thing? If so, make sure your next new product or service meets your customers’ needs.——Peter • Drucker


Many changes that have transformed enterprises have originated outside the specific industry of that enterprise. The zipper was originally invented to close bales of heavy goods, such as grain, particularly in seaports. Nobody thought of using it for clothing. And the inventor never dreamed it would be successful in the clothing industry. action point: Identify at least one change that has originated outside your industry that either has transformed or has the potential to transform your enterprise.——Peter • Drucker





