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No part of the productive resources of industry operates at a lower efficiency than the human resources. We also know what makes for the efficiency and productivity of the human resources of production. It is not primarily skill or pay; it is, first and foremost, an attitude—the one we call the “managerial attitude.” By this we mean an attitude that makes the individual see his job, his work, and his product the way a manager sees them.——Peter • Drucker

有两句名言可以概括出"组织的精神"。一句是安德鲁·卡耐基 (Andrew Carnegie) 的墓志铭: "这里长眠着一个人,一个知道如何招募到比他更强的人,来为他服务。"另一句是激励残障者去寻找工作的口号:"重要的是能够做什么,而不是不能够做什么!行动指南:找出你每一个员工和同事的优点,然后让他们发挥优点,提高绩效。


Two sayings sum up the “spirit of an organization.” One is the inscription on Andrew Carnegie’s tombstone:

Here lies a man

Who knew how to enlist

In his service

Better men than himself

The other is the slogan of the drive to find jobs for the physically handicapped: “It's the abilities, not the disabilities, that count.” Action point: Figure out what each of your employees’or colleagues’strengths are and develop these strengths to help people perform better.——Peter • Drucker


It is responsible for producing the results—whether economic performance, student learning, or patient care—for the sake of which each institution exists. Action point: Is your organization delivering the results it should? If not, articulate your mission.

——Peter • Drucker

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No part of the productive resources of industry operates at a lower efficiency than the human resources. We also know what makes for the efficiency and productivity of the human resources of production. It is not primarily skill or pay; it is, first and foremost, an attitude—the one we call the “managerial attitude.” By this we mean an attitude that makes the individual see his job, his work, and his product the way a manager sees them.——Peter • Drucker

有两句名言可以概括出"组织的精神"。一句是安德鲁·卡耐基 (Andrew Carnegie) 的墓志铭: "这里长眠着一个人,一个知道如何招募到比他更强的人,来为他服务。"另一句是激励残障者去寻找工作的口号:"重要的是能够做什么,而不是不能够做什么!行动指南:找出你每一个员工和同事的优点,然后让他们发挥优点,提高绩效。


Two sayings sum up the “spirit of an organization.” One is the inscription on Andrew Carnegie’s tombstone:

Here lies a man

Who knew how to enlist

In his service

Better men than himself

The other is the slogan of the drive to find jobs for the physically handicapped: “It's the abilities, not the disabilities, that count.” Action point: Figure out what each of your employees’or colleagues’strengths are and develop these strengths to help people perform better.——Peter • Drucker


It is responsible for producing the results—whether economic performance, student learning, or patient care—for the sake of which each institution exists. Action point: Is your organization delivering the results it should? If not, articulate your mission.

——Peter • Drucker





