心理测试 - 未名测评 - 乐观生涯

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德鲁克日志(1)    知识    阅读

今天的公司并不怎么管员工的职业发展;实际上,知识工作者必须成为自己的首席执行官。你应该在公司中开辟自己的天地,知道何时改变发展道路,并在可能长达50年的职业生涯中不断努力、干出实绩—— 彼得•德鲁克

Companies today aren"t managing their employees"careers; knowledge workers must, effectively, be their own chief executive officers. It"s up to you to carve out your place, to know when to change course, and to keep yourself engaged and productive during a work life that may span some 50 years.——Peter•Drucker

Whenever you make a key decision or take a key action, write down what you expect will happen. 9 or 12 months later, compare the actual results with your expectations. I have been practicing this method for 15 - 20 years now, and every time I’m surprised.——Peter•Drucker

每当做出重要决定或采取重要行动时,你都可以事先记录下自己对结 果的预期。9到12个月后,再将实际结果与自己的预期比较。我本人采用这种方法已有15到20年了,而每次使用都有意外的收获。——彼得•德鲁克

Amazingly few people know how they get things done. Indeed, most of us do not even know that different people work and perform differently. Too many people work in ways that are not their ways, and that almost guarantees non-performance.——Peter•Drucker


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