心理测试 - 未名测评 - 乐观生涯

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Of all the important pieces of selfknowledge,understanding how you learn is the easiest to acquire. When I ask people, "How do you learn?" most of them know the answer. But when I ask,"Do you act on this knowledge?" few answer yes. And yet,acting on this knowledge is the key to performance; or rather, not acting on this knowledge condemns one to non performance.——Peter • Drucker


Am I a reader or a listener? and How do I learn? are the first questions to ask. But they are by no means the only ones.To manage yourself effectively, you also have to ask. Do I work well with people,or am I a loner? And if you do work well with people, you then must ask, In what relationship?——Peter • Drucker


Another crucial question is: Do I produce results as a decision maker or as an adviser? A great many people perform best as advisers but cannot take the burden and pressure of making the

decision. A good many other people,by contrast, need an adviser to force themselves to think; then they can make decisions and act on them with speed, selfconfidence,and courage.——Peter • Drucker

人才测评   管理知识   德鲁克日志  

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