心理测试 - 未名测评 - 乐观生涯

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德鲁克日志(12)    知识    阅读


And precisely because the object of management is a human community held together by the work bond for a common purpose, management always deals with the nature of Man and (as all of us with any practical experience have learned) with Good and Evil. Action point: Do you have any colleagues who are truly evil? Is there anything you can do about it?——Peter • Drucker

知识分子和学者们倾向于"观念先行"的看法。 他们认为:观念造就了政治、社会、经济和心理学领域内的新现实。这种情形确实发生过,但这仅仅是例外。一般而言,实践是先于理论的,行动指南:你作决策依据的前提条件是否已经"过时"了呢? 要赢得当前的市场,你是否需要一个全新的思维框架呢?——彼得•德鲁克

Intellectuals and scholars tend to believe that ideas come first, which then lead to new political, social, economic, psychological realities. This does happen, but it is the exception. As a rule, theory does not precede practice. Action point: Are the premises that you base your decisions on obsolete? Do you need a new intellectual framework to win in the market, as it exists today?——Peter • Drucker



为管理涉及实践和应用。 行动指南: 你打算如何丰富自己在人文和社会科学领域内的知识呢? 今天就制定一个计划吧!——彼得•德鲁克

Management is what tradition used to call a liberal art—“liberal” because it deals with the fundamentals of knowledge, selfknowledge, wisdom and leadership; “art” because it deals with practice and application. Action point: What is your plan to develop yourself in the humanities and social sciences? Develop such a plan today——Peter • Drucker

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